Author (Corporate) | Cardiff EDC (Compiler) |
Publication Date | June 2019 |
Content Type | Overview |
Summary: Since August 2018, many young people across the world had been protesting against their respective governments' climate policies. Further information: Youth strikes for climate had gathered pupils and students in the streets worldwide, since August 2018, when Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old student, initiated the movement in Sweden. The movement became known as "Fridays for Future" as demonstrations took place on Fridays during school hours. The movement demanded their governments to take action to limit global warming under the 1.5 degree Celsius limit specified in the UN's Paris climate agreement. To reach this target, the demonstrators proposed different solutions depending on the countries, but introducing taxes on carbon emissions and putting and end to fossil energy subsidies were often quoted in their demands. Scientists gave their backing to the climate strikes. On 15 March 2019, the Global Climate Strike for Future gathered more than one million strikers. A second Global Climate Strike was held on 24 May 2019 which was timed to coincide with the 2019 European Parliament election campaign. The biggest climate mobilization took place from 20 September 2019 to 27 September 2019. Majors demonstrations were organised three days before the UN Climate Summit held during the UN General Assembly 2019. Millions of people around the world have attended the Global Climate Strike also known as the Global Week for Future demanding urgent action to tackle global heating and for "an end to the age of fossil fuels and climate justice for everyone". More than 6,100 events were held in 185 countries. Another prominent proponent for urgent action is Extinction Rebellion, who demanded governments declare a climate and ecological emergency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025. On 7 October 2019, they started to protest in 60 cities around the world and planed to do 2 weeks of action and resistance. They blocked several cities in order to urge politicians to do more to protect the climate. |
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Subject Categories | Environment |
Subject Tags | Climate Change |
Keywords | Extinction Rebellion, Fridays for Future |
Countries / Regions | Europe |