Your Europe Your Say! – Final Report and Evaluation

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2014
ISBN 978-92-830-2305-0
EC QE-02-14-518-EN-C
Content Type ,

The 2014 edition of the Your Europe, Your Say event by the European Economic and Social Committee brought groups of 16 and 17 year-olds from all 28 Member States to Brussels. Their main objective was to set five priorities for what Europe should do to become a better place and be more relevant to its citizens. Not surprisingly, their ‘action plan’ focused on education, languages, jobs and the environment.

Through this event (now in its fifth year), the EESC gives a small, but representative, random sample of Europe’s young people the chance to speak out on issues of concern to them. In fact, the year 2014 is an important milestone in the life of the European Union. The European Elections took place from 22 to 25 May and new leaders will take over the top jobs in the EU institutions

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