Website: Statistics: Interest rates

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2015
Content Type ,

An interest rate may be defined as the charge for borrowing money, measured as the percentage ratio between the sum payable to the lender and the amount borrowed, at an annual rate.

The Eurostat collection on interest rates covers the following datasets:
- Short-term interest rates: Rates on money markets for different maturities (overnight, 1–12 months).
- Long-term interest rates, Maastricht criterion: Yield on government bonds with a maturity of ten years. These interest rates are used to define the Maastricht criterion on long-term interest rates, which is one of the criteria for determining whether or not an EU member state is eligible to join the European monetary union.
- Long-term interest rates (non-EU countries): government bond yields of around 10 years' maturity.
- Euro yield curves: Yields and coefficients calculated for different euro yield curves (par yield curves, instantaneous forward curves and zero coupon spot rate yield curves) based on different selections of bonds.

The compilation and dissemination of monetary and financial indicators at the European level is chiefly the responsibility of the European Central Bank. A wide range of detailed European and natonal monetary and financial indicators can be found in the ECB's Statistical Data Warehouse [see Related URL].

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European Central Bank: Statistical Data Warehouse

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