Website: Statistics: ESA input-output tables

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2015
Content Type ,

Supply, use and input-output tables provide detailed information for a given year on production activities, the supply and demand of goods and services, intermediate consumption, primary inputs and foreign trade.

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry showing the production processes and transactions for particular products or industries.
Symmetric input-output tables are product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrices combining both supply and use into a single table with identical classification of products or industries, applied to both rows and columns.

The European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) has established a compulsory transmission of tables by the European Member States which are:
- Annual supply and use tables
- Five-yearly symmetric input-output tables (with the breakdown between domestic production and imports)
- Five-yearly use tables at basic prices (with the breakdown between domestic production and imports)
- Five-yearly valuations tables (trade and transport margins and taxes less subsidies)

The legal requirement is valid from September 2014. The tables according to the ESA 2010 transmission program cover the period starting in 2010. Some Acceding and Candidate Countries also voluntarily provide these tables.

Consolidated European tables are compiled for the Euro area and European Union with a breakdown of 64 activities/products or 10 activities/products. The data is presented in NACE Rev 2. In 2011 consolidated tables for the European Union and the euro area were disseminated in Nace rev 1.1 for the years 2000 to 2007.

The European tables available are:
- Annual supply and use tables at basic prices
- Annual symmetric input-output tables (product by product) with the split domestic output and imports.

These tables show among other things:
- The structure of the costs of production and the value added, which is generated in the production process
- The inter-dependencies of industries
- The flows of goods and services produced within the national economy
- The flows of goods and services with the rest of the world

Supply, use and input-output tables are available in national currency (NAC) and for non-EMU Member States now also in euro/ECU. The tables are harmonised by Eurostat's standardised questionnaire, which distinguishes 64 products (classification CPA 2008) and 64 industries (NACE rev 2. A64) from 2008 onwards.

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