Website: European Investment Bank: Strategy

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2011
Content Type ,

The EIB is the long-term financing institution of the European Union and its mission is to help implement the EU's policy objectives by financing sound business projects. The Bank operates on a 'not for profit maximising' basis and borrows on the capital markets to finance these projects. It works in the framework of a rolling three-year operational plan, approved by its Board of Directors and updated every year.

The operational plan 2011-2013 is in line with the planned gradual return to pre-crisis lending figures and the Bank's focus on operations and regions where its added value is greatest. Though market conditions are improving for most European economies and large corporate clients, there is a continuous appetite for EIB lending from smaller corporate counterparts. At the same time transactions are becoming more complex and smaller in average value and technical assistance is growing.

The operational plan seeks to maintain the right balance between the various types of products and risk as well as supporting EU and non EU countries with the ultimate aim of having a positive impact on the growth potential of the European economy. It reflects in particular the Bank's commitment to contributing to the Europe 2020 strategy of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as well as the Bank' support for climate action.

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