Weak states threaten euro stability, says Rehn

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 12.1.10
Publication Date 12/01/2010
Content Type

Report of the confirmation hearing of European Comissioner Olli Rehn at the European Parliament, Brussels, 11 January 2010.

He said that shaky public finances in Greece and other crisis-hit European Union member states are posing 'a very serious challenge' to the euro. He pledged to use 'all instruments' to help member states restore their finances and come into compliance with the terms of the stability and growth pact, which sets limits for public finances.

Related Links
ESO: Background information: Brussels leadership team faces grilling http://www.europeansources.info/record/brussels-leadership-team-faces-grilling/
European Parliament: Press Release, 11.1.10: Summary of hearing of Olli Rehn - Economic and Monetary Affairs http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/infopress_page/008-66991-008-01-02-901-20100108IPR66990-08-01-2010-2010-false/default_en.htm
EurActiv, 12.1.10: Rehn to propose economic 'high representative' http://www.euractiv.com/priorities/rehn-propose-economic-high-repre-news-223319

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