Waltzing to a Latin beat in Vienna

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details Vol.12, No.18, 11.5.06
Publication Date 11/05/2006
Content Type

Two MEPs discuss EU-Latin American relations

Today and tomorrow (12-13 May) the City of Vienna will hold the fourth European Union-Latin American and the Caribbean Summit (EU-LAC). A long relationship that started in Rio de Janeiro in 1999 could be given new political impetus and start a real bi-regional association between Europe and Latin America. We are natural allies for historical, cultural and political reasons. We know that in a world with a globalised economy there is no way forward if we don't act together.

The current internal situation in the EU gives little hope to the fulfilment of our desire for a bi-regional strategic association.

The crisis following the rejection of the EU constitution by voters in France and the Netherlands and doubts on whether the resources agreed in the EU budget will be sufficient for competing with emerging economies such as China and India are signs of the current inwardness of the Union. Nonetheless three circumstances have erased all possible doubts on our commitment towards a strategic association with Latin America.

First of all, the European Commission has issued an excellent communication. A complete strategy paper having as its main element the strengthening of the social cohesion in the continent is a huge step forward towards a stronger relationship.

Second, the European Parliament in its resolution, approved by unanimity on 27 April, welcomed the Commission's approach. They recognised that it is in line with the proposals the Parliament has been making since 2001 and that it includes some new elements such as the creation of a transatlantic Euro-Latin-American assembly.

This would strengthen the role of our legislators and serve as a tool of permanent political dialogue, similar to the Euro-Mediterranean parliamentary assembly. The Parliament has also welcomed the creation of a 'Latin America facility' (also known as the 'Ferrero-Waldner facility') and it has reiterated its desire for a new financial tool in the form of a bi-regional solidarity fund.

In addition, a renewed political agenda is needed to include issues of utmost importance, such as terrorism and organised crime, environmental protection and co-operation on disaster response: in sum, a desire for a real and effective multilateralism to defend our common interests in the international arena.

And finally, the Council and Austrian presidency of the EU have welcomed the communication of the Commission and have set the summit as one of their priorities.

As in any other association both partners have to show readiness and compromise. Unfortunately, it seems that for some it is better to walk alone.

We should regret the decision of Venezuela to withdraw from the Andean Community of Nations. We cannot question the sovereign right to withdraw, but in our view it is an inopportune decision at a time when the progress of its integration is to be evaluated and when, as I have said, all the elements from the European side were favourable to the enhancement of our common project.

We should also regret the decree signed by the newly elected Bolivian President Evo Morales on the nationalisation of the energy resources of the country.

The two frameworks of relations between the EU and Bolivia, the political dialogue and co-operation agreement between the EU and the Andean Community and the generalised preferences system (GPS+) that allows for almost 90% of its products to enter into the EU market free of tariffs will now be difficult to reconcile with the decision of President Morales. The EU has to study if the current framework of relations with Bolivia can be maintained.

The Vienna Summit will find it difficult to re-address these circumstances but nonetheless it still needs to give the right signals.

Setting up a clear calendar for the negotiations with Mercosur, upgrading the political dialogue and co-operation agreements with the Andean Community and with Central America, and strengthening our association agreements with Mexico and Chile are vital for the success of the strategy.

They will also show that individual actions cannot jeopardise the outcome of the summit and permit a great opportunity to strengthen our relations to be missed.

  • Spanish centre-right MEP Jos�gnacio Salafranca S�hez-Neyra is vice-chairman of the Parliament's delegation for relations with Mercosur.

The EU's model of co-operation must be given a chance to take shape and flourish in Latin America, says Nathalie Griesbeck

With its strong historical and linguistic ties to Europe, Latin America remains a privileged partner for the European Union.

The EU is Latin America's first sponsor, its first trade partner - even before the United States - as well as its first humanitarian aid and development donor. Faced with this reality and in a global geopolitical context which is completely transformed, the European Parliament adopted, on 27 April, a solid consensus that aims to reinforce the partnership between Latin America and the EU.

At a time when the world has become increasingly decentralised, Latin America is also going through in-depth changes and re-inventing its own path. Less than 30 years after the end of the Cold War and with a considerable shift in the US national security doctrine, both the place and the role of Latin America in international relations have evolved. In parallel, several countries such as Brazil and Argentina have had to face important economic crises.

The measures recommended by the International Monetary Fund to face these crises did not always lead to the desired effects to fight worsening unemployment rates, an increase in social inequalities, the decline of health and retirement systems, as well as the difficulties of the country's legal systems.

As opposed to the US project of creating a vast area of free trade,

which would include the whole of the American continent, the EU can and must continue to propose a different sort of relationship. A special partnership, in which trade agreements would constitute the basis of a broader co-operation. It is not only a question of opening up markets and encouraging free trade but also building upon agreements at the political, social, cultural, environmental and security levels which are based upon the principles of equity and justice.

The European model of co-operation can help frame our relationships with many global regions. The EU has much to gain by promoting this model, developing it and reinforcing it.

Through such a partnership, regional integration in South America can be favoured and draw inspiration from the European Union model.

As a member of the European Parliament's delegation for relations with Mercosur, I am particularly sensitive to this question. That is because regional integration can be a vector of stability and prosperity for this part of the world, which we must support. It would be a pity if members of Mercosur split apart without seizing this opportunity for

their continent.

The reforms needed must imperatively be carried out through common dialogue between Latin American countries as well as their concerted partners. Last December, I was fortunate enough to follow the presidential elections in Bolivia, with my Socialist colleague Luis Yanez-Barnuevo Garc�a, as a member of the joint delegation representing the EU. During the campaign, the candidate Evo Morales announced at the time his plans to renationalise the country's natural resources. Elected president with broad backing, Morales is engaging his country in a process of nationalising the country's hydrocarbons. Bolivia's immediate neighbours as well as

its partners and world economic

players, must seek a balance and alleviate tensions.

Although Bolivia should rightly benefit from the income of its natural resources in order to be able to carry out the economic and social reforms that the country feels it urgently needs, companies should also be entitled to continue to invest in the country in a viable way as well as to bring to Bolivia the infrastructure and expertise it needs while benefiting from guaranteed legal certainty.

Liberals and Democrats will tell President Morales, who visits the Parliament next week, that he cannot simply throw foreign investors out of the country, as he has threatened to do.

The Bolivian situation well reflects the set of difficulties that challenge several Latin American countries. Economic development in these countries must be accompanied by social progress and a true, genuine democratic dialogue. In my view, that is the spirit we should integrate in a reinforced partnership between the EU and Latin America.

The EU-Latin America summit which will be held in Vienna on 12-13 May must echo the text adopted by the European Parliament. But it must also voice the aspirations of the South American populations so that a strategic, bi-regional and balanced partnership can materialise.

  • French Liberal MEP Nathalie Griesbeck is a member of the Parliament's delegation for relations with Mercosur.

Two MEPs discuss EU-Latin American relations, ahead of the European Union-Latin American and the Caribbean Summit (EU-LAC), 12-13 May 2006.
Article is part of a European Voice Special Report, 'EU-Latin America'.

Source Link http://www.european-voice.com/
Related Links
European Commission: The European Union in the World: EU/LAC Summit, Vienna, 12-13 May 2006 http://ec.europa.eu/comm/world/lac-vienna/
European Commission: DG External Relations: Regions: Latin America http://www.eeas.europa.eu/la/index_en.htm

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