Voices from the Poverty Line: Jobs and Unemployment in the EU

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2006
Content Type

'Voices from the poverty line: Jobs and Unemployment in the EU' gives a direct voice to real men and women experiencing poverty on the sharp end of the revised Lisbon Strategy.

Eight EAPN National Networks have interviewed people they have been working with on a regular basis. Some of these people are working, others are unemployed, and some have never managed to get a job at all.

Discover George’s story. George is over 50, married with 2 children and the main earner in the family. He was made redundant from a Maltese shipyard in 2003.

Rose is 26. She is highly qualified in office administration. She lives at home with her parents in Ireland, and wants to set up home with her boyfriend. She has hearing disability and can’t get a job

Maria is 39, married with a daughter. She has worked in many insecure and low paid jobs, and suffered unemployment. She is the main breadwinner for her family. She lives in Portugal.

All of them have been living on or near the poverty line and are experiencing directly the impact of Member States’ strategies to promote growth and jobs. They represent just a small snapshot of how Europe is working or not, for the most vulnerable people.

As well as direct testimonials, the new EAPN booklet provides valuable insights into national employment contexts. The Commission and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) also contribute their perspectives at EU level on key issues raised: the impact of Make Work Pay strategies on the poor, the implications of new Flexisecurity approaches, the plights of the working poor, the continuing barriers of discrimination and racism in access to employment and services…

This booklet is launched at a timely moment, as member States present their joint reports on Social Protection and Social inclusion, and finalise their 2006 National Reform Programmes. The Commission will also be considering next steps on its minimum income/active inclusion Communication.

Source Link http://www.eapn.eu/images/docs/voices%20from%20the%20poverty%20line_en.pdf
Subject Categories
Countries / Regions