Author (Corporate) | Medecins sans Frontieres |
Publisher | Medecins sans Frontieres |
Publication Date | 2013 |
Content Type | Report |
This report looks specifically at the situation of sub-Saharan migrants stuck in Morocco with irregular status, and makes a useful complement to a recent Jesuit Refugee Service report on the situation of migrants trapped in Morocco and Algeria (Lives in Transition, December 2012). As would be expected of the organisation that produced the report, there is a strong focus on the physical and psychological impact that irregular status has on migrants in Morocco. Factors that affect this include poor living conditions, violence from state authorities and criminal groups, and sexual violence. The report goes on to note achievements and challenges for responding to migrants’ health needs and 'calls, once again, on the Moroccan authorities to respect their international and national commitments to human rights, develop and implement protection mechanisms and ensure that sub-Saharan migrants are treated in a humane and dignified manner, no matter what their legal status'. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Europe, Northern Africa |