Update your bookmarks too, October 1998

Author (Person)
Series Title
Publication Date October 1998
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

Web page addresses can change frequently and we are all aware of the constant need to monitor and update web page links to ensure that searches do not come up against a 'not found' dead-end. Less obvious, but potentially very misleading, are those instances where superseded pages remain available but are no longer updated or do not have the improved functionality of the new address. RAPID is just one such example - the old address at http://europa.eu.int/en/comm/spp/rapid.html still requires entry of the guest password whereas the 'new' address at http://europa.eu.int/rapid/start/welcome.htm/ - valid for over a year now - connects automatically with no need to enter a password unless a personal user name and password is used. Remember to update your bookmarks as well as your web page links when you identify changes so that you do not find yourself using out-of-date sites.

For further details on any items in this column, please contact Grace Hudson, EDC, J.B. Priestley Library, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP. Tel: +44-(0)1274-233402. Fax: +44-(0)1274-233398. E-mail: g.l.hudson@bradford.ac.uk

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Countries / Regions