Universities told to back open access

Series Title
Series Details No.251, 3 April 2008, p5
Publication Date 03/04/2008
Content Type

Universities need to do more to develop institutional policies and strategies that increase access to their peer-reviewed research results to the widest range of users, to maximise the impact and visibility of university research. This is one of the key recommendations published by EUA’s Working Group on Open Access, which aim to raise awareness of the importance of the open access issue within the university community, both in terms of its impact upon the research process but also its financial implications for university libraries.

Source Link Link to Main Source http://www.ResearchResearch.com
Related Links
EUA: Press Release, 3.4.08: EUA urges universities to develop clear strategies to advance open access http://www.eua.be/index.php?id=48&no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=518&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1

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