Universal Children’s Day 2016

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details November 2016
Publication Date November 2016
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The annual Universal Children's Day represents an opportunity to consider how children in Europe are faring in some of the key areas covered in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and what the European Union is doing to protect their rights and ensure their wellbeing.

Universal Children's Day was celebrated on the 20 November 2016.

Author: Rosamund Shreeves

Source Link http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/ATAG/2016/593541/EPRS_ATA(2016)593541_EN.pdf
Related Links
European Commission: DG Communication: RAPID: Press Release, IP/16/3762: Joint Statement on the occasion of Universal Children's Day http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-16-3762_en.htm

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