United States – China Relations: a Complex Balance between Cooperation and Confrontation

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details April 2016
Publication Date March 2016
ISBN 978-92-
Content Type

China’s rise is a real game-changer both economically and geopolitically, and represents both an opportunity and a challenge for the major global power, namely the United States. China’s new economic and political weight fosters further cooperation with the US on a number of global issues, as well as increased collaboration within multilateral organisations. Given their sheer influence, both countries have global interests that make it difficult to find a solution for one without the consent of the other.

China’s rise and expanding global interests have resulted in a drastic change in the global geopolitical order. Frustrations over the US’s predominance, especially in Asia, have raised tensions between the two powers. Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, China has adopted a more assertive approach towards multilateral organisations which it sees as controlled by and for Western powers, but also towards its direct neighbours.

This approach represents a direct challenge to the world order established and sustained by the US and is therefore a potential reason for conflict.

Source Link Link to Main Source http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/570464/EXPO_IDA(2016)570464_EN.pdf
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