Union’s ‘failed’ public image to get € 232 million makeover

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details Vol.11, No.28, 20.7.05
Publication Date 20/07/2005
Content Type

Date: 20/07/05

The European Commission will be spending nearly €40 million a year on public relations (PR) by the end of the decade, under a plan to be published today (20 July).

Drawn up by aides to Margot Wallström, the commissioner for communications, the action plan depicts the EU executive as aloof from the Union's 450 million citizens.

Although it does not allude to the rejection of the draft EU constitution by voters in France and the Netherlands, it says that "current [PR] campaigns focus on the political elite and media, and fail to portray the benefits and consequences for day-to-day life in a direct and understandable manner".

Ideas on how to 'sell' new laws, it says, should be formulated from the first stages of their preparation. Crucial proposals are to be accompanied by a 'layperson's summary', "explaining the personal and societal benefits of the policy".

In addition, the paper says that the Commission lacks staff with a background in effective PR. To improve that situation, it is to send officials on training courses and to run recruitment competitions for PR specialists.

The plan appears to heed criticisms made by journalists that statements issued by the Commission are frequently laden with cumbersome sentences and excessive jargon. A "thorough review" of press releases is promised, which should lead to "fewer, but better releases, and allow the most important texts to be adapted to local audiences".

The Commission proposes increasing the amount spent on communications from €5m next year to €32.5m in 2010. And €118m would then be spent over the 2011-13 period. In total, the proposed budget for 2006-13 would be €232m.

Commissioners would take a more 'hands-on' approach to PR, the plan suggests. In particular, they would make a point of meeting journalists from provincial and local media outlets whenever they visit places outside Brussels.

A group of commissioners, led by Wallström, would set medium- and long-term goals for boosting the Commission's profile. The spokesperson's service would be charged with implementing that agenda and would also be required to rebut allegedly false claims about EU policies in news stories more systematically and promptly than it does at present.

It recommends the appointment of an editor for the website for the EU institutions, europa.eu.int, which is, it says, "the largest public website in the world". The editor would be responsible for ensuring that overlaps between its various homepages are avoided.

Article reports on the 'Action Plan to Improve Communicating Europe by the European Commission' presented by the Commission on 20 July 2005. According to the plans the European Commission would be spending nearly €40 million a year on public relations (PR) by the end of the decade. The Action Plan was presented as a part of the revised Communication strategy and was to be followed by a White Paper in the autumn of 2005.

Source Link http://www.european-voice.com/
Related Links
BBC News, 21.7.05: EU seeks to woo young Europeans http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4703289.stm
European Commission: Action Plan to Improve Communicating Europe by the European Commission, 20.7.05 http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/communication/pdf/communication_com_en.pdf
European Commission: Press Release: IP/05/995, 'Listen, Communicate, Go local - New Commission approach to dialogue and communication with European citizens' http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/05/995&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en

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