Union ‘strategic partnership’ mooted for India

Series Title
Series Details Vol.10, No.21, 10.6.04
Publication Date 10/06/2004
Content Type

Date: 10/06/04

THE European Commission will next week respond to the formation of a new government in India by holding out the prospect of enhanced political and economic ties to the world's biggest democracy.

Steps to develop what EU officials are calling a "strategic partnership" with India are set out in a paper, due to be approved by commissioners next Wednesday (16 June).

This examines how ties with New Delhi can be boosted by:

  • Improving international cooperation in such areas as the fight against terrorism, human rights and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
  • strengthening economic cooperation - in areas including transport, energy, industrial policy and biotechnology, and;
  • bolstering development policy, in particular by helping India to meet the UN's Millennium Development Goals of reducing extreme poverty.

According to an aide to External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten, the paper is intended to elicit cooperation from India's government, led by new premier Manmohan Singh. "The backdrop to this is that we see India as an emerging global player," the aide added.

Registering a growth rate of around 8%, India's economy is one of the best performing in the world. However, although the volume of India's exports to the EU has represented more than one-fifth of the country's total in recent years, Commission President Romano Prodi has lamented during visits to New Delhi that the level of trade between the two sides is not stronger.

Although the paper touches on issues affecting south Asia, it does not spell out a possible EU role in settling India's dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir.

"We absolutely support the thawing in India-Pakistan relations," said an official. "But we are not getting involved in Kashmir."

European Commissioners are due to approve on 16 June 2004 moves to offer India a 'strategic partnership' with the European Union.

Source Link http://www.european-voice.com/
Related Links
http://www.eeas.europa.eu/india/index_en.htm http://www.eeas.europa.eu/india/index_en.htm

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