Understanding ‘development effectiveness’: An overview of concepts, actors and tools

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details April 2017
Publication Date April 2017
Content Type

In the context of the limited availability of development aid, there is increased demand for effective results. This means that both developed and developing countries must commit to spending and using aid more effectively. Public funding is not enough to cover all needs, but can leverage initiatives from civil society or the private sector.

The multiplication of stakeholders and intervention methods, combined with the necessity to address needs in the field more precisely has led to a global rethink of how to assess development. High-level forums and stakeholder networks have helped to fine-tune the main principles of development effectiveness and shift from a donor-recipient relationship to a more cooperative framework. Methods and tools have improved and led to better planning, implementation and appraisal of development projects. The EU has been closely involved in designing and implementing the effectiveness principles. The European Parliament often refers to them, insisting that they must not be sacrificed for short- term interests.

While not aiming to appraise the effectiveness of EU development policies, this briefing is designed to promote a better understanding the main concepts at stake.

Author: Eric Pichon

Source Link http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2017/599401/EPRS_BRI(2017)599401_EN.pdf
Related Links
European Commission: EU International Cooperation and Development. First Report on Selected Results, July 2016 https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/sites/devco/files/eu-results-report_2013-2014_en.pdf

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