UK prospects remain gloomy on beef ban

Series Title
Series Details 13/03/97, Volume 3, Number 10
Publication Date 13/03/1997
Content Type

Date: 13/03/1997

IT NOW looks increasingly unlikely that serious progress will be made on the UK's request for a partial lifting of the beef export ban until after the British general election.

Embattled Agriculture Minister Douglas Hogg will give his Union counterparts details of the UK's 'certified herds' scheme at next week's meeting of farm ministers.

But member state officials doubt much progress will be made. “We do not talk about it much anymore. Most ministers will not say anything until the scientists have done their bit,” said one.

Even when the plan has worked its way through the myriad of EU advisory bodies, the chances are that it will have anything but a smooth ride.

“Most other member states are slightly nervous and trying to knock it down. They do not want to see the ban lifted because of the negative effect this would have on consumption,” said one farm lobbyist.

A German diplomat stressed the decision would rely heavily on scientific advice, but admitted politics would also come into play. “German consumers are particularly sensitive, and of course we have to take that into account,” he said.

Confidence has not been helped by the release of a Commission report this week which revealed widespread shortcomings in dealing with the BSE problem throughout the Union. Further doubts have been raised by revelations in the UK that a report highlighting unsanitary conditions in abattoirs may have been suppressed.

UK officials are also playing down the chances of rapid progress towards easing export restrictions on meat from herds certified free of BSE. They claim part of the problem lies in the hand-over of responsibility for the scientific committees from Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler to Consumer Affairs Commissioner Emma Bonino.

But the new boss of the Directorate-General for consumer affairs (DGXXIV), Horst Reichenbach, denied this week that this would cause problems.

“We have made clear arrangements that the committees should function under the authority of the directorates-general which have had the authority until now, until the Commission has decided on the change-over. The overhaul will not stop business continuing. There will be a smooth transition,” he insisted.

ENDS 350 words

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