Turkey’s turmoil ‘could threaten its integration into EU’

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Series Details Vol.8, No.28, 18.7.02, p2
Publication Date 18/07/2002
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Date: 18/07/02

By David Cronin

TURKEY'S outgoing EU ambassador believes there is a 'real danger' his country's political crisis could result in gains for parties hostile to European integration.

Speaking to European Voice, Nihat Akyol argued the problems caused by the recent wave of ministerial resignations would have to be dealt with in a 'very quick manner' to avoid damaging its EU membership ambitions. 'If there is a long process to get out of this, I am sure we will lose some momentum,' he said.

Akyol said he was 'very worried' about the prospect of an upsurge in support for anti-EU parties. Foremost among them is Justice and Development (AKP), currently riding high in the polls with 20 of support. Led by former Istanbul mayor Recep Tayyip Erdogan, it could conceivably be the only party to exceed the 10 threshold needed to enter parliament after the next election on 3 November.

Devlet Bahceli, head of the hardline Nationalist Action Party (MHP), junior partners in ailing premier Bulent Ecevit's ruling coalition, is also expected to campaign on an anti-EU platform.

The political upheavals in Turkey began last week with the departure of Ecevit's deputy Husamettin Ozkan. This triggered a wave of defections from Ecevit's Democratic Left (DSP), including that of Ismail Cem, who stepped down as foreign minister to form a new pro-EU and pro-reform party.

Ecevit capitulated to pressure to call the election for November - too far off for the liking of some EU diplomats - but has so far spurned calls for his resignation.

However, Akyol said he was encouraged by the MHP's decision not to block plans to recall the parliament from its summer recess for a special session on implementing legal changes sought by the EU.

The MHP, however, remains opposed to reforms such as scrapping the death penalty and allowing the country's 12-million strong Kurdish minority to have education and broadcasting in their own language.

Turkey's crisis coincides with the crucial final phase of enlargement talks - and could have repercussions for the divided island of Cyprus. Brussels wants Ankara to press breakaway Turkish Cypriots into accepting a deal with the Greek Cypriot government, allowing Cyprus to enter the EU reunited. But the prospect of any such accord will be hampered by the present power vacuum.

A solution to the row over the EU's use of NATO assets also looks no closer, despite the risk of it wrecking EU plans to take over the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Macedonia this autumn.

Akyol said any compromise must be based on the so-called Ankara document, brokered by the US and Britain, which would allow NATO member Turkey to participate in discussions about the Union's defence policy. But historical foe Greece remains vehemently opposed to this.

Akyol was due to accompany Romano Prodi on a visit to Turkey this week but the government's woes caused it to be cancelled. He will instead bid farewell to the European Commission head in Brussels today (18 July). He has not yet been told what his new posting will be.

In a message sent to the ambassador on Tuesday, Prodi praised his work 'in favour of the reconciliation between your country and the Union'.

Turkey's outgoing EU ambassador, Nihat Akyol, believes there is a “real danger” his country's current political crisis could result in gains for parties hostile to European integration.

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