Top foreign policy official defends EU response to Arab Spring

Series Title
Series Details 04.10.13
Publication Date 04/10/2013
Content Type

European External Action Service Secretary General Pierre Vimont told EurActiv in an interview that, despite lacking a power broker capability, Europe should be proud of its diplomatic achievements in response to the Arab Spring.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: EIB's €5 billion budget cut will hit Arab Spring countries hardest
ESO: Background information: Press Release: Foreign Affairs Council, Brussels, 21 August 2013
ESO: Background information: Memo: Statement by Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner responsible for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response following the Security Council Presidential Statement
ESO: Background information: Press Release: Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on the adoption of the United Nations Security Council resolution on Syrian chemical weapons

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