The Zimbabwean tyranny

Series Title
Series Details Vol.11, No.3, 27.1.05
Publication Date 27/01/2005
Content Type

Date: 27.01.05

In March Zimbabweans will go the polls in parliamentary elections but few think that the vote will be free and fair. For many the result is a foregone conclusion. Since taking power in 1980, Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF has won every popular vote bar a 2000 constitutional referendum. This loss was quickly followed by national elections marred by crackdowns against the opposition.

Zimbabwe's opposition, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), has not yet decided whether to contest this year's elections.

Late last year MDC leaders urged Europeans to up the pressure on Zimbabwe and to encourage the South African government to bring its weight to bear. MEPs and senior officials have been critical of perceived EU inaction. They claim the Union's policy of sanctioning Zanu-PF leaders has had little effect.

But there are signs that international pressure on Zimbabwe is growing. The inclusion of Zimbabwe in the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's "outpost of tyranny" speech has pushed the country back to centre stage.

There have also been reports of a power struggle within Zanu-PF over who will replace Mugabe. Jonathan Moyo, the author of much of the repressive legislation used to crack down on pro-democracy activists after the June 2000 elections, is alienated from the leadership.

But so far the EU is taking a back seat, supporting the Southern African Development Community's efforts to make the elections free and fair.

Preview of Parliamentary elections to be held in Zimbabwe in March 2005. Serious doubts existed whether the elections would be free and fair.

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