The use of crisis measures adopted pursuant to Articles 219 to 222 of the CMO Regulation

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2024) 12
Publication Date 12/01/2024
Content Type


Report published by the European Commission on 12 January 2024, concerning the use of crisis measures adopted pursuant of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, also known as the CMO Regulation.

Further information:

The CMO Regulation comprises a section on exceptional measures (Articles 2019 to 222), which empower the European Commission to act exceptionally in the event of market disturbance, animal diseases, plant pests, loss of consumer confidence due to risks to health, severe imbalances in the markets and other specific problems.

These provisions reflect the need – against the backdrop of a principled market orientation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – to address potential risks, often sudden and unforeseeable, that are due to circumstances which may exceptionally arise in agricultural markets such as market instability, price volatility, or the consequences of restrictions linked to animal and plant health.

Pursuant of Article 225 of the CMO Regulation, the European Commission must present to the co-legislators a report on the use of crisis measures, and in particular the exceptional measures adopted pursuant to Articles 219-222 of that same Regulation. This report covers the exceptional measures regulations adopted by the Commission from 1 January 2014 to the end of 2023. Annex 1 to this report provides the list of all the regulations. Annex 2 provides information on the EU yearly aggregated expenditure per measure until the end of the 2023 financial year (15 October 2023).

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