The Treaty of Amsterdam. Text and commentary

Author (Person)
Publication Date 1997
ISBN 0-901573-67-1 (Hbk)
Content Type ,

The question of Europe:
A series of essays providing a wide-ranging commentary on European integration, written from sharply committed but widely differing political standpoints. The editors explain that the contributors have been chosen for the clarity and vigour of argument, and sharpness of polemical contrast. Writers are from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Ireland and the US and from a range of disciplines including history, economics, philosophy, law, political science and sociology. They include Alan Milward, William Wallace, Conor Cruise O'Brien, John Keegan, Karl Lamers, Timothy Garton Ash, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Wynne Godley, Guy Standing, Edward Luttwak, Dieter Grimm, Jurgen Habermas, Joseph Weiler, Anthony Smith, J.G.A. Pocock, Jacques Attali and Goran Therborn.

The book is divided into a number of sections: history; politics; economics; principles; identities; trajectories. The book is certainly not a standard textbook on European integration, but would make very stimulating reading for those interested in the subject.

Gowan, Peter/ Anderson, Perry (eds)
The question of Europe
Verso, 1997
ISBN: 1-85984-836-2 (Hbk)/ 1-85984-142-2 (Pbk)
Price: £40.00 (Hbk)/ £15.00 (Pbk)

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions