The Reitox network: Frequently asked questions

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-92-9168-488-5
EC TD-32-11-890-EN-C
Content Type

Reitox is the European information network on drugs and drug addiction, created at the same time as the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). This information brochure provides answers to the most commonly asked questions on the Reitox network of national focal points and more broadly on national drugs observatories. Compiled over several years, it is a reference tool for both EU Member States and countries further afield on the network, its members, its role and development.

Source Link
Related Links
EMCDDA: The Reitox network: Frequently asked questions
EMCDDA: About EMCDDA: Partners: Reitox network

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions