Author (Person) | Scully, Roger |
Series Title | Elections in Wales |
Series Details | 05.11.18 |
Publication Date | 05/11/2018 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
The Welsh Political Barometer poll taken in the autumn of 2018 once again included questions about the defining political issue of the moment – Brexit. The poll included some questions that had been asked consistently over a long period of time, and others which were new and which reflected the current state of affairs. One question that has been consistently asked since autumn 2016 had been one on attitudes towards a second referendum. A new question was: Imagine there was a three-way referendum on Brexit, with the options of Britain remaining in the European Union, leaving the European Union with the deal Theresa May has proposed, or leaving the European Union without a deal. People would be able to vote for their first and second preference. Which would you vote for as your first preference? A further question asked people to envisage a referendum in the situation where no deal was reached on Brexit – and they were then given the binary choice between Remain or Leaving without a deal. Other questions related to the threat to the Northern Ireland peace process and the breaking up of the UK by Scotland voting for independence. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Countries / Regions | Wales |