Author (Person) | Monar, Jörg |
Publisher | Peter Lang |
Series Title | College of Europe Studies |
Series Details | No.11 |
Publication Date | 2010 |
ISBN | 978-90-5201-615-3 |
ISSN | 1780-9665 |
Content Type | Textbook | Monograph |
Abstract: With objectives such as enhanced internal security, a better management of migration challenges and improved access to justice the AFSJ addresses some fundamental concerns of European citizens. The institutions of the Union have to deliver on these objectives - and this book provides the first comprehensive analysis of how they have reacted and adapted to the specific challenges of the construction of the AFSJ. It covers all of the major Union institutions as well as the special agencies set up for police, judicial and border cooperation purposes. The book brings out the dynamics of institutional change and their impact on policymaking, taking into account also the new prospects offered by the 2009 Treaty of Lisbon reforms. Contents: The Institutional Framework of the AFSJ: Specific Challenges and Dynamics of Change - Jörg Monar The Council in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice - Hans G. Nilsson & Julian Siegl The Commission's Role in Freedom, Security and Justice - Richard Lewis & David Spence The Evolving Role of the European Parliament in the AFSJ - Emilio De Capitani Casual but Smart: The Court's New Clothes in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) after the Lisbon Treaty - Vassilis Hatzopoulos Europol and the Architecture of Internal Security - Michael Niemeier & Marc André Wiegand The Role and Organisation of Eurojust: Added Value for Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters - Maylis Labayle & Hans G. Nilsson Frontex: Its Role and Organisation - Mintze Beuving The EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator - Gilles de Kerchove & Serge de Biolley Liaison Magistrates: A Success Story - Emmanuel Barbe Personal Reflections on the Institutional Framework of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice - Charles Elsen |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Europe |