Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Economic and Financial Affairs |
Series Title | Country Focus |
Series Details | Vol.4, No.11, November 2007 |
Publication Date | November 2007 |
ISSN | 1725-8375 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
This Country Focus studies the impact of changes in government expenditure in Hungary over the period 1997 to 2005 using a structural vector-autoregressive model. The results suggest that discretionary shifts in government expenditure have a mixed impact on the economy. In particular, while households are found to respond positively to expansionary government spending leading to an increase in their income, our findings point to a negative reaction on the part of the corporate sector. Overall, increasing government expenditure is found to lead to a contraction in GDP. Private employment is also found to fall back. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Countries / Regions | Hungary |