Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Agriculture and Rural Development |
Publisher | Publications Office of the European Union |
Publication Date | 2021 |
ISBN | 978-92-76-36213-5 |
ISSN | 2529-5012 |
EC | KF-AP-21-002-EN-N |
Content Type | Magazine | Newsletter | Brochure |
Summary: Since 2019, ENRD’s Rural Inspiration Awards (RIA) have been celebrating projects that use funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) to contribute to rural development policy objectives. The RIA competition aims to increase the visibility of EAFRD-funded projects and to promote knowledge transfer and networking among rural development stakeholders. The RIA 2021, ‘Our Rural Future’, celebrated EAFRD‑funded initiatives that may contribute to inspire the future development path for rural areas to be set out in the forthcoming Long‑Term Vision for Rural Areas. For this RIA edition, the ENRD Contact Point received 125 entries from 22 Member States. The Support Units of the National Rural Networks (NRNs) worked hard to identify excellent projects and submit detailed information and additional material. |
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Subject Categories | Business and Industry, Internal Markets |
Subject Tags | Agriculture, Rural Development |
Keywords | European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development [EAFRD] |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |