Author (Person) | Peterson, John, Young, Alasdair R. |
Series Title | Journal of European Public Policy |
Series Details | Vol.13, No.6, September 2006, p795-814 |
Publication Date | September 2006 |
ISSN | 1350-1763 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
Article is part of a special issue, ‘The European Union and the new trade politics’. Abstract: Over the past twenty years trade politics within the European Union (EU) have changed in three ways. First, the concerns of traditional trade actors have shifted to more ‘behind-the-border’ issues, especially regulation and investment. Second, new actors – parliaments, non-trade agencies, and non-governmental organizations – have become more engaged. Third, the leadership of the EU (and the United States) has been challenged by influential developing countries. The EU has responded to the new trade politics by advocating a ‘deep’ trade agenda: seeking multilateral agreements on the making of domestic rules. This response reflects the EU's own experience of market integration. Where the new trade politics have affected EU policy it has been through changing views about the purposes and priority of trade policy at the highest political levels, rather than more directly via interest group lobbying. While the EU has been unsuccessful in promoting its agenda within the World Trade Organization, it is pursuing it through other forums where its influence is greater. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Trade |
Countries / Regions | Europe |