Author (Person) | Romanyshyn, Iulian |
Publisher | College of Europe |
Series Title | Bruges Regional Integration & Global Governance Papers |
Series Details | No.3, December 2013 |
Publication Date | December 2013 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
Abstract: It is argued that overall the EU was an effective player during the multilateral negotiations on the ATT, but the degree of its effectiveness varied along different dimensions. The EU was relatively successful in the achievement of its goals and in maintaining external cohesion during the negotiations, but it scored relatively low in its efforts to commit other major players to sign up to the ATT. The high level of institutional cooperation and the convergence of EU member states’ interests facilitated the EU’s effectiveness in the ATT negotiations, whereas the international context proved to be the major constraining factor. |
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Subject Categories | Trade |
Countries / Regions | Europe |