The Dutch EU presidency: key players

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Series Details Vol.10, No.24, 1.7.04
Publication Date 01/07/2004
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Date: 01/07/04

The Netherlands is now at the helm of the European Union's rotating six-month presidency. Martin Banks profiles the country's main movers and shakers

Jan Peter Balkenende (prime minister)

Born: Kapelle, 1956

Education: Studied history at the Free University of Amsterdam

Previous posts: Part-time professor of economics at the Free University, member of Amstelveen municipal council from 1982 and Christian Democratic party (CDA) parliamentary group leader since October 2001. First elected premier on 22 July 2002. Re-elected on 27 May 2003

ALTHOUGH the Netherlands is famed abroad as a pioneer of liberal legislation, its premier is a Christian philosopher professor who takes a dim view of cannabis cafes, gay marriage and euthanasia.

"Dull but 200% reliable," as one newspaper described him, Balkenende has won widespread public affection with his plain-spoken manner and his good-humoured acceptance of the nickname 'Harry Potter'.

Balkenende, who is said to be a fan of the American medical drama ER and Canadian singer Céline Dion, is thought by some to resemble the fictional schoolboy wizard.

Once dismissed by the late Pim Fortuyn as "much too young and inexperienced to lead a government", the 45-year-old is indeed a relative newcomer to leadership. He became head of the party just over two-and-a-half years ago after stepping into a prolonged power struggle between two other contenders.

Political commentators at the time wrote him off as an interim solution and not a man who would be able to excite Dutch voters.

The son of a grain trader from the south-west province of Zeeland, his own views on immigration are far removed from those of the assassinated politician.

After 30-plus months at the helm, the devout Calvinist is widely credited with reviving the flagging fortunes of his Christian Democratic party.

Gerrit Zalm (deputy prime minister and finance minister)

Born: Enkhuizen, 1952

Education: Studied economics at Free University of Amsterdam , graduating in 1975

Previous posts: Director of general economic policy at the economic affairs ministry, finance minister in the first and second Wim Kok governments from 22 August 1994 to 22 July 2002

DUBBED as the 'Pinball Wizard' of the Balkenende government, because of his fascination with pinball machines.

A finance minister renowned for thrift, he was leader of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), the third-largest party in the Netherlands, in 2002-03.

Opposition to EU enlargement, particularly to the accession of Poland, among his free-market Liberals was partly behind the collapse of the first Balkenende government in 2002. Zalm, a computer buff who was a Labour party member until he switched to the Liberals, argued that Poland's high corruption rate and weak judicial system made it unfit to join the EU this year.

He held the post of finance minister for eight years under the Kok government and is one of the most experienced members of the current administration.

Uncompromising and tough, he was a Marxist in his younger days and, in Italy, is known as "the hard one" for insisting the country could not join the euro unless it reduced its budget deficit.

A father of five, he has made reducing the burden of administrative red tape for business one of the priorities of the Dutch presidency.

Currently engaged in an unofficial party leadership battle with the chairman of the parliamentary group, so might suffer some distractions during the next six months.

Piet Hein Donner (justice minister)

Born: Amsterdam, 1948

Education: After graduating in law, he was a researcher at the University of Michigan

Previous posts: Worked (1976-81) in the Dutch economic relations department and has chaired several organizations, including the Protestant association for the care of the mentally ill. Also chaired or sat on various commissions, including one investigating the public broadcasting system

KNOWN in the Netherlands as the 'godfather' to the prime minister, who looks on him as his mentor.

In the first Balkenende government, Donner was often seen in public whispering into the premier's ear, giving the impression that he was running the country.

He has, controversially, called for the role of the media to be curtailed, saying that satire of the Dutch royal family has gone "too far".

Married with two children, he has been justice minister for the past two years, but is a relative newcomer to high office.

An intellectual who is widely respected across the political spectrum, he has a reputation for being something of a workaholic and thinks nothing of working 16-hour days, often after cycling to work.

Donner, who speaks several languages, is particularly well known for his interest in health and safety issues.

Henk Kamp (defence minister)

Born: Hengelo, 1952

Education: After completing his secondary education, he took an auditor's course at a college in Utrecht

Previous posts: Member of a municipal council and served as an alderman. In 1994, became a member of the House of Representatives. Minister of housing in first Balkenende government

BORN on the Dutch-German border, where he still lives, Kamp is well-liked by the Dutch military and is generally seen as competent, if less than inspiring.

A straight-talker, he is not known for his diplomatic skills and may occasionally go "off message", pronouncing on matters that have nothing to do with his own brief.

When his predecessor was forced to resign, Kamp made it clear to Balkenende that defence was the job he wanted.

And, despite overseeing ongoing savage defence cuts, with the loss of 12,000 jobs, he is still seen as a staunch defender of the military.

He has a reputation for being one of the hardest working Dutch ministers: he sleeps an average of five hours per night and is usually first to arrive - and last to leave - at his ministry.

Kamp, who speaks English and French, was said by one aide to be particularly demanding to work for.

Atzo Nicolaï (European affairs minister)

Born: Delft, 1960

Education: Studied state and administrative law at the Free University of Amsterdam

Previous posts: A former general secretary of the Dutch Arts Council and the Council for Culture, this is his second term as European affairs minister

NICOLAI is, at least officially, in charge of the Dutch presidency of the EU.

But some say, perhaps a little unkindly, that the position is purely nominal and he will be completely overshadowed by his boss, Foreign Minister Ben Bot.

The former culture minister now finds himself thrust into a job in which he will be expected to deal with somewhat meatier issues: everything from the Stability and Growth Pact rules to starting EU accession negotiations with Turkey.

One Dutch Socialist politician said: "To be honest, he is seen as a bit of a non-entity. He's never had strong views on Europe and still doesn't."

One notable recent success with which Nicolaï is credited, though, is getting the Dutch people out to vote in the recent European elections.

Turnout in the Netherlands rose from 29% in 1999 (second lowest in the EU, after the UK) to a relatively healthier 39% this time round.

Nicolaï has identified increasing public awareness of the EU as his key priority over the next six months.

As The Netherlands takes over the European Union's rotating six-month presidency, this article profiles the country's key players.

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