This issue of the ACP-EU Courier magazine includes the following items:
- Editorial
- An ill-defined power with ethics as its sole legitimacy
- Opening
- Ouagadouga debates
- Media, languages and development
- A global forum for media development
- Ethics
- Paradox. With the advent of democracy journalism is made more precarious
- Viewpoints
- Forum Media and Development in Ouagadougou:
- The relationship between the fourth eestate and the other powers has to be fostered (Jean Ping)
- Democracy needs opposing forces (Louis Michel)
- Case Studies
- Cautious hope:
- Freedom of expression in southern africa
- East Africa: Not all that glitters is gold
- "From Freetown to the Hague: my coverage of Charles Taylor's trial"
- Securing democracy in the Caribbean
- Media and development in the Pacific Islands
- Foundation Hirondelle: media in conflict zones for millions of listeners
- The key role of the satirical press in the removal of the sacred aura surrounding power in Africa
- Young People
- Aminatou Sar, coach for child journalists
- Planete Jeunes: information and entertainment
- Internet
- Trends in the digital divide in Africa