Author (Person) | Schneemelcher, Pola |
Publisher | Bertelsmann Foundation, Jacques Delors Institute Berlin |
Series Title | Blog Posts |
Publication Date | 11/05/2017 |
Content Type | Blog & Commentary |
Summary: The ongoing digital transformation poses enormous challenges to current tax law. This is, because value creation through intangibles raises problems to two core paradigms of international tax rules: where to tax and what to tax. In order to solve these problems, the European Commission published two proposals, a so-called interim tax and a comprehensive solution. In this blogpost, Pola Schneemelcher assesses the proposals and makes the case that they do not sufficiently address the crucial question of how to value data. |
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Subject Categories | Taxation |
Subject Tags | Digital Economy |
Keywords | Digital Taxation |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |