Sweden tightens rules to curb refugee numbers / Sweden split over move to tighten asylum rules

Series Title
Series Details 24.11.15
Publication Date 24/11/2015
Content Type

The Swedish Government announced measures on the 24 November 2015 to create respite for Swedish refugee reception. This required a dramatic reduction in the number of people who sought asylum and were granted a residence permit in Sweden. The Government wanted to temporarily adjust the asylum regulations to the minimum level in the EU so that more people choose to seek asylum in other EU countries.

At a EU level the Government wanted the Dublin Regulation to be revised and replaced by a new, permanent relocation scheme in the EU.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven admitted the current high number of refugees was unsustainable. Mr Löfven was critical of other EU countries who he felt were not taking equal responsibility for the refugees.

Source Link http://www.thelocal.se/20151124/sweden-set-to-tighten-asylum-rules-for-refugees
Related Links
Sweden: Government: News, 24.11.15: Government proposes measures to create respite for Swedish refugee reception http://www.government.se/articles/2015/11/government-proposes-measures-to-create-respite-for-swedish-refugee-reception/
ESO: Background information: Sweden to introduce border controls at noon http://www.europeansources.info/record/sweden-to-introduce-border-controls-at-noon/
The Guardian, 24.11.15: Sweden slams shut its open-door policy towards refugees http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/24/sweden-asylum-seekers-refugees-policy-reversal
EurActiv, 25.11.15: Sweden ends open door policy for asylum seekers http://www.euractiv.com/sections/justice-home-affairs/sweden-ends-its-open-door-policy-asylum-seekers-319795
The Local.se, 25.11.15: Swedes can still hold their heads high' http://www.thelocal.se/20151126/swedes-can-still-hold-their-heads-high
The Guardian, 27.11.15: [Opinion]: When Sweden shut its doors it killed the dream of European sanctuary http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/nov/27/sweden-shut-doors-killed-dream-european-sanctuary

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