Author (Corporate) | European Commission |
Series Details | COM (2019) 259 |
Publication Date | 07/06/2019 |
Content Type | Policy-making, Report |
Summary: Report presented on 7 June 2019 by the European Commission on the implementation of programmes co-financed by FEAD during 2017. Further information: The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) addresses the worst forms of poverty in the EU, such as food deprivation, child poverty and homelessness. A total amount of €3.8 billion is available from the fund. The EU provides up to 85% in matching funds to complement resources allocated by the Member States, bringing the total value of the fund to around €4.5 billion. Member States implement (i) a food and/or basic material assistance operational programme, and/or (ii) a social inclusion operational programme. Food and/or basic material assistance must be complemented by accompanying measures, for example a referral to social services. In accordance with Article 13(9) of Regulation (EU) No 223/2014 (the FEAD Regulation), this summary is based on the information contained in the 2017 implementation reports, as accepted by the European Commission. All Member States except the UK submitted an implementation report. In view of the time lag between implementation and reporting, this summary report also includes later developments if this information is available. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Employment and Social Affairs |
Subject Tags | Poverty |
Keywords | Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived [FEAD] |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |