Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Regional and Urban Policy, t33 |
Publisher | Publications Office of the European Union |
Publication Date | April 2015 |
ISBN | 978-92-79-48077-5 |
EC | KN-02-15-350-EN-N |
Content Type | Research Paper |
Summary: Study to determine flat-rate revenue percentages for the sectors or subsectors within the fields of ICT, research, development and innovation and energy efficiency to apply to net revenue generating operations co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) in 2014-2020. In order to assure the efficient use of Cohesion Policy resources, net revenues generated by the financed project have to be deducted from the eligible expenditures after completion of a project, either by discounting the net revenues over the expected live-time of a project or by a flat rate that are defined by the regulatory set-up. |
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Subject Categories | Internal Markets |
Subject Tags | European Structural and Investment Funds [ESIF] |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |