Speech: State of play of Commission’s examination of Hungarian Media Law

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details SPEECH/11/22 (17.01.11)
Publication Date 17/01/2011
Content Type

Text of a speech by Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, "State of play of Commission's examination of Hungarian Media Law", Extraordinary meeting of the European Parliament's Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee Strasbourg, 17 January 2011

Source Link http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/11/22&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en
Related Links
ESO: Background Information: Speech: Hungary's new media law http://www.europeansources.info/record/speech-hungarys-new-media-law/

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