Special Issue: The European Union and Russia

Series Title
Series Details Vol.19, No.2, June 2011, p181-324
Publication Date June 2011
ISSN 1478-2804
Content Type

Maxine David, Jackie Gower & Hiski Haukkala: Introduction: The European Union and Russia

Graham Timmins: German–Russian Bilateral Relations and EU Policy on Russia: Between Normalisation and the ‘Multilateral Reflex’

Maxine David: A Less than Special Relationship: The UK's Russia Experience

Licínia Simão: Portuguese and Spanish Relations with Moscow: Contributions from the EU's Periphery to the CFSP

George Christou: Bilateral Relations with Russia and the Impact on EU Policy: The Cases of Cyprus and Greece

Tom Casier: The Bilateral Relations of the Benelux Countries with Russia: Between Rhetorical EU Engagement and Competitive Business Interests

Tobias Etzold & Hiski Haukkala: Is There a Nordic Russia Policy? Swedish, Finnish and Danish Relations with Russia in the Context of the European Union

David J. Galbreath & Ainius Lašas: The ‘Baltic’ Factor in EU–Russian Relations: In Search of Coherence and Co-operation in an Era of Complexity

Source Link https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13501760210138778?needAccess=true
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