Contents of this Special Issue of the Journal of European Public POlicy are:
+ European integration and the crisis: practice and theory
Demosthenes Ioannou, Patrick Leblond & Arne Niemann
+ Liberal intergovernmentalism and the euro area crisis
Frank Schimmelfennig
+ European economic integration in times of crisis: a case of neofunctionalism?
Arne Niemann & Demosthenes Ioannou
+ A historical institutionalist explanation of the EU's responses to the euro area financial crisis
Amy Verdun
+ Public opinion and the crisis: the dynamics of support for the euro
Sara B. Hobolt & Christopher Wratil
+ Political legitimacy and European monetary union: contracts, constitutionalism and the normative logic of two-level games
Richard Bellamy & Albert Weale
+ Europe's ordoliberal iron cage: critical political economy, the euro area crisis and its management
Magnus Ryner