Special envoy off to Transdniester

Series Title
Series Details Vol.11, No.2, 20.1.05
Publication Date 20/01/2005
Content Type

Date: 20/01/05

EU political directors will tomorrow (21 January) discuss the appointment of a special representative to Moldova, to deal with the 'frozen conflict' in the separatist region of Transdniester.

Following the change of government in Ukraine, policymakers hope that there is now a fresh impetus for resolving the 15-year deadlock in the breakaway region.

Ukraine's involvement is vital in finding a solution and Kiev's co-operation was limited during the presidency of Leonid Kuchma.

Transdniester was formerly a part of Ukraine and shares a porous border with the country.

According to diplomats, the ten new member states are behind the plan, which is also backed by the UK and the Netherlands.

But France and Germany still have reservations, fearing relations with Russia may be damaged. The representative could be in charge of helping with economic development and promoting conflict resolution.

Article reports on discussions among EU political directors on 21 January 2005 on the appointment of a special representative to Moldova, to deal with the 'frozen conflict' in the separatist region of Transdniester.

Source Link http://www.european-voice.com/
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