Author (Person) | Alosi, Alessandra |
Publisher | Cardiff EDC |
Series Details | May 2018 |
Publication Date | 31/05/2018 |
Content Type | News |
Further information: After the Spanish High Court found former members of the ruling party (Popular Party - PP) guilty of benefiting from bribery and corruption, sentencing them to jail, the opposition Socialist Workers’ Party, led by Pedro Sánchez, tabled on 25 May 2018 a motion of no confidence in Parliament against the government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. The PSOE’s motion will require majority backing to succeed, requiring the support of 176 of the 350 MPs. As the socialists have 84 seats and Podemos 67, they will need the support of Ciudadanos, 32 seats, or other parties, including Catalan separatists, to carry the motion. Ciudadanos is asking Rajoy to call new elections in the coming weeks, and warned that if he persists in not calling people to the polls, the party will put forward its own no-confidence vote as well. The prime minister said he would not step down and was committed to seeing out his term which ends in 2020. Rajoy dismissed the no-confidence vote as 'nonsense' in a televised press conference on Friday and said it went 'against stability in Spain'. On 31 May 2018, Basque Nationalist Party party confirmed it will vote against Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in a no-confidence motion. A majority of Spanish lawmakers also said they would back Socialist leader Pedro Sánchez’s motion of no confidence in the PM in a vote on Friday 1st of June 2018. |
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Countries / Regions | Spain |