SMEs in FP7: A hands-on guide

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2007
ISBN 978-92-79-04792-3
EC KI-77-07-018-EN-C
Content Type

FP7 provides financial support for transnational research for and by SMEs wishing to innovate and improve their competitiveness, by enhancing their investment in research activities to acquire new knowledge for growth in Europe’s knowledge-based economy.

Four specific Programmes comprise the major building blocks of FP7, three of which have direct relevance for SMEs. These are: the Cooperation Programme which will promote collaborative research; the People Programme which will develop human potential; and the Capacities Programme which will strengthen research capacity.

This publication is designed as a step-by-step guide showing SMEs exactly where and how they can obtain funding to help their businesses grow.

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Related Links
European Commission: DG Research: Understanding the Seventh Framework Programme

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