Small states’ opposition to EU president holds firm

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Series Details Vol.9, No.15, 17.4.03, p3
Publication Date 17/04/2003
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Date: 17/04/03

By Dana Spinant

LEADERS of EU and future member states toughened their stance over electing a non-rotating president of the European Council, as talks on major reforms of the Union's institutions and policies approached the finish line.

In a stocktaking debate with Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, chairman of the Convention on the EU's future, in Athens yesterday (16 April), government leaders were split down the middle on two key institutional questions: the Council presidency and the composition of the European Commission.

In addition, the EU heads of state and government decided that the Convention should have no extra time to finish drafting a constitution, telling Giscard he must present the draft by the original deadline of the Thessaloniki summit on 20 June.

This should pave the way for the constitutional treaty to be signed in Rome in December, under the Italian presidency.

Giscard, who previously hinted he would have preferred the Convention to continue its work until September in order to produce a "quality treaty", said he would follow member states' orders and present the draft constitution on time.

And Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis admitted that, given the time pressure on the Frenchman and his team, "the result might not be the best possible".

The Athens talks also confirmed a "dangerously deepening rift" among small and large EU countries, a Convention insider told this paper.

Eighteen smaller member and applicant states held a breakfast get-together ahead of the meeting with Giscard. This was to sharpen their strategy to block any plans for a stable Council president.

Such a powerful post, which would replace the present six-months rotating presidency, is backed by France, Germany, Spain and the UK.

But speaking for the group of 18, Jean-Claude Juncker, the prime minister of Luxembourg, warned Giscard that equality among member states must be preserved.

However, Juncker's call has been challenged by a Convention insider. "Equality of the rights of states, yes, this is clear. But equality of the states? EU states are not equal.

"If Luxembourg, with 400,000 people, wants to be equal to Germany with more than 82 million, than it has to pay the same amount of money to the EU's budget. We always said member states should have equal rights, but who can claim states are equal?"

Splits have also emerged between small countries themselves, according to an official present at the meeting.

"Estonia made it clear it wants equality among states, institutional balance, and so on, but it also said it does not want a federal union and wants to preserve member states' sovereignty.

"Luxembourg and Belgium do not say the same," the official said.

After the meeting with government leaders Giscard admitted that deciding the future composition of the European Commission will also cause a major political headache.

The problem stems from the fact that small member states - in particular the newcomers - insists on each country having a representative on the Commission.

Meanwhile, the Convention's plans to create a post of EU foreign affairs minister have been unanimously backed by government leaders.

Government leaders of EU and future Member States discussed the election of a non-rotating president of the European Council at their meeting in Athens on 16 April 2003 as the European Convention prepares to present the final draft to the European Council in June 2003.

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