Slim chance of health if obesity grows

Series Title
Series Details Vol.10, No.7, 26.2.04
Publication Date 26/02/2004
Content Type

Date: 26/02/04

WHILE Americans are the world's fattest people, Europeans are not lagging too far behind in the growing global fat pack.

Although some of their continental cousins boastever-widening waistbands, the British have experienced the fastest rise in obesity over the past few decades.

Members of the Nottingham-based UK National Obesity Forum (NOF) met MEPs, European Commission officials and representatives of the food industry in Brussels (23-25 February) to discuss how best to help everyone slim down.

Established in May 2000, the NOF has coordinated the UK parliament's 'All Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity', and has carved a niche for itself as a key provider of information on the obesity epidemic.

Now the NOF, an independent medical organization, is also looking into launching a European Obesity Forum to promote the exchange of best practice between all EU member states.

While researchers have found that certain genetic traits may have some impact, unhealthy lifestyles, including a lack of physical activity and poor eating habits, are thought to be the main culprits behind the global obesity epidemic.

"If the obesity rate among European children continues to rise, the consequences are potentially catastrophic," David Byrne, the health and consumer protection commissioner, said recently. "Average EU life expectancy could fall, while health care spending could go through the roof."

Byrne emphasizes that the Union's action programme on public health for 2003-08 pledges to help prevent obesity by funding an EU-wide 'nutrition and physical network' "to facilitate collaboration on obesity prevention strategies".

Europeans are catching up with America in levels of obesity. Members of the Nottingham (UK)-based National Obesity Forum (NOF) met MEPs, European Commission officials and representatives of the food industry in Brussels on 23-25 February 2004 to address the challenge.

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