Skills anticipation and matching systems in transition and developing countries: Conditions and challenges

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2012
Content Type

The European Training Foundation (ETF) has launched a three-year innovation and learning project, ‘Anticipating and matching demand and supply of skills in ETF partner countries’, which is being implemented from 2011 to 2013.

The results of the work in 2011 are documented in a first set of papers: a methodological paper on how to measure
mismatch, national stocktaking reports and a synthesis report with a cross-country analysis. This working paper, prepared for the ETF by Will Bartlett, European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, puts the spotlight on specific challenges for optimising anticipation and matching approaches in transition and developing countries.

Source Link$file/Skills%20matching%20systems.pdf
Related Links
ETF: Anticipating and matching skills demand and supply: Synthesis of national reports$file/Skills%20matching_synthesis%20report.pdf
ETF: News, 31.10.12: Skills mismatch: How to measure and reduce it in the partner countries

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