Single Market programme: Single Market Scoreboard

Series Title
Series Details No.1 February
Publication Date February 1998
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

Single Market programme:
Single Market Scoreboard. The Commission has issued a first 'Scoreboard' to allow citizens, economic operators, Member States and the EU Institutions to assess the application of Single Market rules, in terms of the implementation of Directives, outstanding infringement procedures and progress with applying the Action Plan for the Single Market.

As of 1.11.97 there were still 359 out of 1,339 Single Market Directives not implemented in all Member States, some 25% of the total. The overall rate of non-implementation varies from about 3% in Denmark and the Netherlands to about 8% in Germany and around 10% in Austria. The sectors where non-implementation poses the greatest problem are transport, public procurement, and intellectual and industrial property. All Member States have now submitted for the first time detailed timetables for implementing outstanding Single Market Directives, as required by the Action Plan.
Source: Press Release (European Commission), IP/97/1017 (19.11.97); See also Press Release
(European Commission), IP/97/1043 (26.11.97)

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions