Shaping Europe: Recent EESC Achievements

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-92-830-1736-3
EC QE-30-11-322-EN-C
Content Type ,

The European Economic and Social Committee does not pass laws. It strives to bring real-life expertise to EU policy-making by providing good, sound advice to the legislators.

The EESC was set up over 50 years ago to speak dir ectly on behalf of European citizens. Its advice takes the shape of expert opinions, which synthesise the experience and viewpoints of a wide spectrum of society including employers, workers, professions, groups and associations with a huge range of interests.

But the Committee is much more than a cog in the wheel of legislative procedures. It is a unique channel for the active involvement of civil society in the evolution of Europe, up to the highest level. It gives practical expression to the principle of participatory democracy in the EU, and fosters ‘active citizenship’ and social solidarity.

The booklet briefly showcase how EESC members’ expertise makes a difference in each of the main policy EU areas it covers: economic, social, environmental and international.

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