Sex-trade crack-down

Series Title
Series Details Vol.12, No.9, 9.3.06
Publication Date 09/03/2006
Content Type

Date: 09/03/06

Fears that the trafficking of women into Germany will increase during this summer's World Cup are to be raised in the European Parliament next week.

Slovak conservative MEP Anna Záborská, who chairs the assembly's committee on women's rights, said that she had received reports from non-governmental organisations that the football tournament would precipitate a greater demand for prostitutes. Most of the prostitutes involved, she added, would probably have been victims of organised crime, "often deceived by false promises of legitimate work" and then forced into the trade.

After a seminar hosted by the committee yesterday (8 March), MEPs will next week (13 March) debate measures to combat forced prostitution linked to sporting events.

Záborská will ask the European Commission if it intends to propose any particular initiatives relating to prostitution and the World Cup.

Franco Frattini, the European commissioner for justice, freedom and security, said yesterday that he was looking at whether visas might be required for those travelling to the EU before the World Cup from countries which could "reasonably be expected" to be sources of trafficking. Although media reports have cited Bulgaria and Romania as two countries from which women are trafficked to the Union, Frattini said he was not singling out these two EU candidate countries.

Deputies are also expected to raise the construction of a three-storey brothel known as Artemis, a short distance from the main football stadium in Berlin, one of twelve cities which will host fixtures during the tournament, which runs from 9 June-9 July.

Article anticipates a debate at the European Parliament on measures to combat forced prostitution linked to sporting events, scheduled for 13 March 2006. Fears that the trafficking of women into Germany would increase during the 2006 World Cup were to be raised at the debate.

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Related Links
European Parliament: Press Release, International Women's Day kicks-off campaign against forced prostitution, 9.3.06

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