Security staff did nothing to help me, says mugged MEP

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details Vol.8, No.22, 6.6.02, p1-2
Publication Date 06/06/2002
Content Type

Date: 06/06/02

By Martin Banks

SECURITY staff ignored an MEP's cries for help when she and her assistant were attacked on the steps of the European Parliament, it has been claimed.

German MEP Christa Klass and her assistant Astrid Kranz were mugged by a five-strong gang within a few metres of the Parliament's building in Brussels. But Klass told European Voice she was forced to pursue the thugs herself because Parliament's security officers were 'not interested' in helping her.

The assembly's spokesman David Harley described the attack, the latest in a recent spate of assaults on MEPs, as 'very serious and worrying'. Parliament President Pat Cox has ordered a full inquiry and security may be stepped up.

The incident happened as 50-year-old Klass and her assistant, aged 41, were leaving the parliamentary building in Rue Wiertz.

The pair were threatened by a group of youths, aged 16-18, who snatched Kranz's handbag. They tried to grab the MEP's bag but she managed to hold onto it.

Klass says: 'I was crying and shouting but the security guards, who were stood just a few metres away, just stood and watched. I couldn't believe it. They didn't seem interested.'

The European People's Party member called for action against staff employed by the Group Four security firm.

She said: 'I want to know why the security staff didn't do something to help us. It's a disgrace.'

The former teacher pursued the youths when they ran off into the nearby Park Leopold but they got away.

Kranz said: 'I ran into the Parliament and had to virtually plead with the guards to do something. One walked out of the building, looked around and came straight back. I tried to push him out to go and help Christa but he simply refused.'

Kranz was this week recovering at home in Germany from serious bruising sustained in the attack.

Klass suffered severe shock but was otherwise unhurt.

She says she will now insist on having an escort when leaving the building at night.

'It's become a very dangerous place,' she said.

Video footage of the incident, which happened at about 6pm last Tuesday (28 May), is being studied and photographic evidence may be used to aid prosecution.

Harley said: 'Unfortunately, this was not an isolated incident and there have been several similar attacks recently.

'What is particularly disturbing is that it seems to have happened under the gaze of the security staff and the MEPs' cries for help were ignored.'

He added: 'There appears to have been a serious lapse in security.

'An inquiry will be carried out and, if it is demonstrated that the incident occurred as described, Group Four will have breached the terms of their contract with the Parliament.

'We want a full explanation from Group Four and what they intend to do to avoid a repetition.'

A Group Four spokesman told European Voice: 'We are aware of this incident and are looking into the matter.'

Security staff ignored an MEP's cries for help when she and her assistant were attacked on the steps of the European Parliament, it has been claimed.

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