Author (Person) | Boonstra, Jos, Marat, Erica |
Publisher | FundaciĆ³n para las Relaciones Internacionales y el DiĆ”logo Exterior [FRIDE] |
Series Title | FRIDE - Europe and the World order |
Series Details | No.14, May 2013 |
Publication Date | 23/05/2013 |
ISBN | 978-84-614-6870-6 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
The security sectors of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are to different extents corrupt, lack democratic The Western concept of SSR is not very well-known in Central Asia. States are mainly interested in military training and equipment, and less so in long-term measures to democratise and strengthen their security agencies and institutions. European actors hesitantly support Security Sector Reform in Central Asia. Is Europe on track? Should it do more, or less? |
Source Link | Link to Main Source,-kirguistan-y-tayikistan:-%C2%BFque-papel-puede-jugar-europa? |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Central Asia, Europe |