Second European Quality of Life Survey: Participation in volunteering and unpaid work

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2011
ISBN 978-92-897-1007-7
EC TJ-79-11-104-EN-C
Content Type

Based on data from the second European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), conducted by Eurofound in 2007, this report examines the factors underpinning people’s decision to volunteer, the amount of time devoted to volunteering among those who participate and whether participation is associated with greater life satisfaction. The study also looks at unpaid work (which includes caring and housework), the amount of time spent on it and the characteristics of those who do it frequently.

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Related Links
Eurofound: Monitoring quality of life in Europe: participation in volunteering and unpaid work: Executive summary
Eurofound: Resource packs: Volunteering - A force for change
Eurofound: Press Release, 16.2.11: Is volunteering for everyone?

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